Spring Cleaning: Time for New Headshots

Spring is finally here! For New England that can mean a lot of things including scrapping ice off your windshield one day and 75 degree weather the next. But as we shake off our hibernation and start thinking about summer plans, I tend to think about what the rest of the year and beyond will look like. For a lot of us, our careers are one of the go to items we think about when discussing the future. Finding a new job, getting a promotion, or speaking at an upcoming event can all spark new beginnings!

You are not the person you were 10 years ago, so why are you using a photo from then?

Starting something new begins with putting your best foot forward. For your career, that is your headshot! Headshots get a bad rap, and I know why. Often they are done with little to no guidance resulting in stiff poses and lackluster options. But you must be thinking, “Julia - I already have a headshot, it has helped me get the past 5 jobs I’ve had!”. You’re not the person you were 10 years ago, so why are you using a photo from then? And I’m going to let you in on a little secret: cropping the cocktail glass out of that decent photo of you from your cousin’s wedding isn’t fooling anyone either!

The good news is that it’s a personal goal of mine to end all bad headshots! I make sure that every headshot session not only results in great options, but will also be *gasp* fun!


A Springtime Boston Engagement Session


Art Documentation